Young Muslim Brothers (YMB)
Asalam Alaykum,
The Young Muslim Brothers is a recently created Youth Organization proposed to enable the Muslim Youths to cooperate and serve our communities through different effort and helpful attempts. Moreover, the YMB serves as a tool to raise Islam mindfulness by introducing the peaceful message of Islam by removing basic confusions and false impressions. YMB will hold a few distinct programs/projects during the year, for example, food/winter drives, field trips, Islamic study classes, motivational lectures, road trips, sports events, workshops, Quran classes, Masjid sleepovers, car washes, self-defense classes, Fitness program, and significantly more. The YMB’s objective is to educate and inspire youths while they have a great time.
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President :
Hamadi Shabani
cell: 346.317.7882
Questions :
Please contact us using the form below.